The meditation of visualizing Buddha Vajrasattva and reciting his mantra is one of the most effective methods of purification. Along with the three powers of regret, not repeating and recognition, this is the fourth power of purification: the antidote practice. It is said that negative karma that is not purified multiplies every 24 hours and thus becomes cause for future suffering. Negative karma and their imprints also block realizations on the spiritual path. Thus, to purify all those, many daily practice texts and sadhanas include the Vajrasattva practice. This four-day Intensive offers teaching videos by Demo Rinpoche, guided meditations, time for discussion and for individual meditation sessions using the Vajrasattva mantra. Schedule is 10:00am – 5:00pm each day, with a 12:30 – 1:30pm lunch break. Supportive materials as well as daily recordings will be accessible for registrants on the Vajrasattva Intensive registrant webpage after completing the registration process.
No set number of mantras is required.
No special initiation or previous experience is required.
Fee: $65 / Give What You Can