Buddhist psychology recognizes fifty-one mental faculties that affect our mind in positive and negative ways. Within that context Demo Rinpoche will explore the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, where ignorance affects our actions through the negative mental faculties. Those negative actions result in negative karma.
Understanding how the mind works gives us control of our minds, making it easier to recognize negative emotions as they arise. By understanding how negative mental faculties function, we can avoid engaging in negative actions.
Through that awareness, managing our mind becomes life changing—both now and at the time of our departure to the next life.
This online retreat is offered over two 3-day weekends, August 20 – 22 and 27 – 29. It is open to all levels of interest and experience.
The Summer Retreat registrant webpage will host recordings of the retreat sessions, allowing retreat participants to review sessions.
- General schedule: Friday – Sunday, August 20 – 22 and 27 – 29
- Morning White Tara guided healing meditation sessions daily – online Zoom only
- Morning and afternoon teaching sessions by Demo Rinpoche
- Evening group discussion sessions on the teachings on Fridays and Saturdays – online Zoom only
- Online participation via Zoom Registration Link
- Registrants have access to the session recordings via a personal Jewel Heart Login account. Please allow a day or two for the recordings to be posted.
DATES/TIMES: Friday – Sunday, August 20 – 22 and August 27 – 29
Friday – Saturday, August 20/21 and August 27/28, 8:30am – 8:00pm
Sunday, August 22 and August 29, 8:30am – 5:00pm
IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE: Onsite participation is now closed. Those registering for onsite will be put on a wait list.
Jewel Heart plans to open the Retreat for in-person attendance for a limited number of people based on their order of registration and subject to certain policies and guidelines. For more information, click here.
Fee: $400 / Give What You Can
How the Mind Works – transcript by Gelek Rimpoche
JEWEL HEART RECORDINGS for purchase or subscription
Inner World of Mind: Mind and Mental Faculties – 8 Audio Teachings by Gelek Rimpoche from the 2008 Jewel Heart Spring Retreat
Mirror of Mind: Mind and Mental Faculties – 8 Audio Recordings from Gelek Rimpoche’s teachings at the 2005 Jewel Heart Spring Retreat
How the Mind Works Part One – Video Teaching by Gelek Rimpoche in 2014
How the Mind Works Part Two – Video Teaching by Gelek Rimpoche in 2014
How the Mind Works – A Jewel Heart Course in 6 Sessions
Mind and Meditation – A Jewel Heart Course in 6 Sessions