2018 Jewel Heart Winter Retreat – GANDEN LHA GYEMA MANTRA RETREAT
NOTE: A Vajrayogini Mantra Retreat will concurrently be held in another area of the center.
Onsite Only
Jewel Heart
1129 Oak Valley Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
The 2018 Jewel Heart Winter Mantra Retreat will begin on Friday, February 23, close on Sunday, March 4, and be held onsite at the Jewel Heart Center in Ann Arbor. This time frame will not complete a 100,000 mantra retreat.
Ganden Lha Gyema Dates and Times
Friday, February 23 – Check In is 3:30 – 5:30pm
Friday, February 23 – Start time 6pm
Through Sunday, March 4, mid afternoon
Ganden Lha Gyema/Migtsema Retreat
Ganden Lha Gyema is the backbone of one’s dharma practice, especially in Vajrayana, where guru devotion is indispensable. This retreat is open to all, including those who have been studying Lam Rim and would like to prepare for entering vajrayana.
Demo Rinpoche will speak to both retreat groups at the beginning and at the end of the retreat.
There are different options for participation, including completing a 100,000 Migtsema mantra retreat, which would extend beyond March 4th.
Please contact Hartmut Sagolla at [email protected] to learn more.
Quiet zones near the retreat rooms will be established for the mealtimes in support of those who may choose continue on their chair/cushion during meal periods.
To support newcomers to sitting in a Ganden Lha Gyema retreat, Saturday and Sunday, February 24 and 25 includes opening and closing as a group. People wishing to keep a different schedule are welcome to do so.
The Ganden Lha Gyema program will include guided meditation and presentation sessions on the practice. Details to come.
Please review the materials, transcript, instructions, schedule, and personal arrangements in the boxes below. Please make contact regarding lodging and carpooling as soon as possible. Options are limited.
FEE: $180
3:30 – 5:30pm – Check In
6pm – Ganden Lha Gyema Mantra Retreat Opening
Saturday, February 24 – Saturday, March 3
9:30am – Session (Group opens Ganden Lha Gyema practice together on Saturday/Sunday, February 24/25)
12 – 1:30pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Session
5 – 6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – Session
8 – 8:30pm – (Group closes Ganden Lha Gyema practice together on Saturday/Sunday, February 24/25)
Monday, February 26 – Saturday, March 3
9:30am – Session
12 – 1:30pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Session
5 – 6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – 8:30pm – Session and Closing
Sunday, March 4 – Details Later
9:30am – 10:30am – Group Opens Ganden Lha Gyema
3pm – Closing Details to come
The overall schedule is flexible to allow individually extending or shortening one’s sessions as desired.
Lunch and Dinner periods are the same for both Ganden Lha Gyema and Vajrayogini retreats to help minimize sound disturbances for participants.