We are delighted to announce that H.E. Demo Rinpoche will lead a two-day teaching on the recitation of the 35 Buddhas, a powerful and popular Mahayana purification practice.
Beginning from the foundation of refuge and bodhimind, the recitation of the 35 Buddhas expounds our call for help to Shakyamuni Buddha and all Buddhas. After prostrations, practitioners recall misdeeds in this life and acknowledge misdeeds in previous lives. By recognizing our limitless ethical mistakes as causing obstructions to our own and others’ peace, we deepen our capacity to help other beings. This practice offers a chance to meaningfully change non-virtuous habits and negative emotions in everyday life.
Through reviewing our mistakes, promising to be vigilant, and dedicating our efforts towards Enlightenment, we may free ourselves from emotional cycles like guilt, anger, and anxiety. For those aspiring to progress on the path of the Bodhisattva, purification perfectly elucidates hidden negative karma.
This fall seminar aims to restore and bolster practitioners’ healthy relationships with their minds and with other beings. Demo Rinpoche will explain and untangle concepts such as karma, refuge, regret, and dedication.
This event is a co-production of Jewel Heart and Tibet House US and offered onsite at Tibet House, live online via zoom and stream later.
For scholarship assistance, please contact Debbie Burr at [email protected].
Gelek Rimpoche’s draft transcript on The Practice of the Thirty-Five Buddhas is available for purchase at the Jewel Heart Online Bookstore.
Join the local Ann Arbor watch party. Register on-line or at the door.
Fee: $180 / Give What You Can
About Demo Rinpoche

Access Thirty-Five Buddhas teaching from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive for free
For context and background of the The 35 Purification Buddhas teachings, here is a link to the Thirty-Five Buddhas teachings from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive that Gelek Rimpoche held in Chicago. You should also note the Archive contains many other teachings Gelek Rimpoche gave over the years but we think this is a good one to start with.
From the Archive: Thirty-Five Buddhas - 2010