Retreats and Trips: Memorial Day Retreat 2011

TARA – FEMALE BUDDHA HEALING PRACTICE Friday, May 27 – Monday, May 30 Garrison Institute, c/o Glenclyffe 14 Mary’s Way, Route 9D Garrison, New York 10524 White Tara, healing protector and mother goddess of Tibetan Buddhism, is called upon around the world by those in need of healing guidance and safe-keeping. This weekend Gelek Rimpoche…
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Blog Posts: Travel Updates from Gelek Rimpoche

I have been very busy traveling lately. As you know, last month I returned from the Netherlands where we had wonderful teachings on the Ganden Lha Gyema practice and a weekend workshop on the topic of karma. When I returned to Ann Arbor we continued with the teachings on Jamgon Lama Tsongkhapa’s Songs of Spiritual…
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Blog Posts: Cleveland Memories

Last weekend I went to Cleveland and held a workshop, entitled Subtle and Gross Impermanence, at the Jewel Heart Center there. Cleveland was one of my first stations when I came to the United States in the 1980’s. I was hired to work with Professor Melvyn Goldstein on the Tibetan political history and language. I…
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Blog Posts: Regarding Jewel Heart Membership

From Garrison Fall Retreat 2010 I have been looking at what we have done for the past 20 years at Jewel Heart. I tried to benefit you people and future generations, along with increasing the longevity of Buddha’s teaching (and thereby benefitting every living beings so that they may have some joy). When I look…
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Events and Courses: Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe: Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation

Translator Katrina Brooks explains what makes Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe’s upcoming teaching on Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation (the final stages of meditation section) special. Kamalashila was an eighth century Indian scholar at the renowned Nalanda University in India. At the invitation of the Tibetan King, he accompanied Shantarakshita to Tibet where they are credited for establishing the…
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Events and Courses: Meditation Technology 2024: Concentration Meditation

Concentrated meditation is the foundation of every kind of meditation. It brings clarity and sharpness of focus and allows us to stay with any object of observation for prolonged periods. This workshop introduces techniques to deepen concentration using the breath as the main object of focus. Each session will be comprised of a short explanation,…
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Web Page: About H. E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche

His Eminence Loden Sherab Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche was born in East Tibet in 1940. At the age of four he was recognized as the 9th Kyabgon (protector) of the region of Dagyab. Rinpoche is one of the highest tulkus in Tibet. In 1959, Rinpoche escaped with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to India. From 1964 to…
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Web Page: Pramana of Dharmakirti Course Materials

Reasoning and logic are essential in order to reveal what is in fact true and reliable knowledge. Pramana is a Sanskrit term that Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist traditions use to refer to the elements necessary to recognize how knowledge is understood, and how its veracity and reliability can be ascertained. Drawing from Dharmakirti’s Compendium of Valid Cognition,…
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Web Page: About David Mellins, Ph.D.

David Mellins is a scholar of Buddhism, Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Poetics. He received his PhD from Columbia University and has taught at Columbia, Rutgers and Yale Universities. He currently works as a translator of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist scriptures for 84,000 where he specializes in Dhāranī literature. He has lectured at conferences and seminars throughout Europe and…
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Retreats and Trips: Demo Rinpoche: 2023 Summer Retreat

If everyone has Buddha Nature does that mean we are already enlightened? Some great masters understood Buddha Nature as a seed to be nurtured and some believed Buddha Nature as being fully developed within the individual. Demo Rinpoche will explore the topic of Buddha Nature, or the seed of buddhahood. There are many examples of…
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