Blog Posts: Bottom Line Tibetan Buddhsim

In Tibetan Buddhism there is tremendous philosophy and theological ideas. Also it is very simple and very easy. At the bottom line it will boil down to yourself and your own thoughts. It is simply what you want. We know we don’t want any misery and we know that even the lack of misery becomes…
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Digital Dharma: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Ethics Session 4

INDO-TIBETAN BUDDHIST ETHICS with DR. TOM YARNALL Buddhist “higher education” (adhiśikṣā) traditionally is divided into the interconnected disciplines of ethics (śīla), wisdom/philosophy (prajñā), and meditation or experiential cultivation (samādhi / bhāvanā). In this introductory series Dr. Tom Yarnall will focus on the theory and practice of ethics (with reference to the other inextricably interrelated higher…
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Digital Dharma: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Ethics Session 3

INDO-TIBETAN BUDDHIST ETHICS with DR. TOM YARNALL Buddhist “higher education” (adhiśikṣā) traditionally is divided into the interconnected disciplines of ethics (śīla), wisdom/philosophy (prajñā), and meditation or experiential cultivation (samādhi / bhāvanā). In this introductory series Dr. Tom Yarnall will focus on the theory and practice of ethics (with reference to the other inextricably interrelated higher…
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Digital Dharma: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Ethics Session 2

INDO-TIBETAN BUDDHIST ETHICS with DR. TOM YARNALL Buddhist “higher education” (adhiśikṣā) traditionally is divided into the interconnected disciplines of ethics (śīla), wisdom/philosophy (prajñā), and meditation or experiential cultivation (samādhi / bhāvanā). In this introductory series Dr. Tom Yarnall will focus on the theory and practice of ethics (with reference to the other inextricably interrelated higher…
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Digital Dharma: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Ethics Session 1

INDO-TIBETAN BUDDHIST ETHICS with DR. TOM YARNALL Buddhist “higher education” (adhiśikṣā) traditionally is divided into the interconnected disciplines of ethics (śīla), wisdom/philosophy (prajñā), and meditation or experiential cultivation (samādhi / bhāvanā). In this introductory series Dr. Tom Yarnall will focus on the theory and practice of ethics (with reference to the other inextricably interrelated higher…
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Events and Courses: Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Ethics

INDO-TIBETAN BUDDHIST ETHICS – DR. TOM YARNALL Buddhist “higher education” (adhiśikṣā) traditionally is divided into the interconnected disciplines of ethics (śīla), wisdom/philosophy (prajñā), and meditation or experiential cultivation (samādhi / bhāvanā). In this introductory series Dr. Tom Yarnall will focus on the theory and practice of ethics (with reference to the other inextricably interrelated higher…
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Blog Posts: Buddhism in a Nutshell

From Gelek Rimpoche’s Teachings Sunday, June 10 from the weekly Essence of Tibetan Buddhism Series Buddha said: Avoid negativities, build positivities and tame your mind. This is bus stop Buddhism in a nutshell. Avoid negative karma and build positive karma. Most importantly, tame your mind. These are activities for living a worthwhile, meaningful life for…
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Retreats and Trips: Demo Rinpoche: Summer Retreat 2024

Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend (Skt. Suhṛllekha; Tib. བཤེས་པའི་སྤྲིང་ཡིག་, shepé tring yik) A Letter from a Friend, written by Nagarjuna in the 2nd century, is a well-known text of the Tibetan Mahayana tradition. Throughout the various lineages, all great Tibetan scholars have referred to this text in their teachings, including Je Tsongkhapa in his Lamrim. The intended audience…
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Web Page: About Ven. Tokden Rinpoche

Venerable Tokden Rinpoche, one of the senior-most lamas of Tibetan Buddhism and particularly of the Gelugpa tradition, was born in 1944 in the Dagyab district of Kham Province, Tibet. He was recognized as a reincarnated lama from childhood and received basic teachings on Buddhism and Tibetan literature from Gen Rinchen Choedak, one of the main…
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Web Page: About Professor Robert A. F. Thurman

Bob Thurman, known in the academic circles as Professor Robert A.F. Thurman, is a talented popularizer of the Buddha’s teachings, the first Western Tibetan Buddhist monk ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and was a longtime close friend of Gelek Rimpoche. A charismatic speaker and author of many books on Tibet, Buddhism, art, politics and…
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