At Jewel Heart, we have always appreciated the special value of gathering together to experience dharma and sangha with Demo Rinpoche, guests and instructors.
Jewel Heart was happy to offer so many online opportunities to continue sharing dharma with sangha as soon as the pandemic became our new reality.
Now, amid ever changing conditions and mindful of everyone’s safety and well being, some Jewel Heart programs have opened for in-person/onsite participation supported by regularly updated health & safety policies, and based on current covid conditions and information.
Upon choosing to register for in-person attendance, and by your onsite presence, you confirm you have read, understood and will comply with the policies noted further below, including proof of vaccination and recommended booster at the door, and wearing a N95 or KN95 face mask at all times while inside at Jewel Heart. For those who don’t have a N95/KN95 mask, Jewel Heart will provide one for you.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Jewel Heart Self-Health Screen & Safety Confirmation/Acknowledgement Form
I understand that this Form and the information certified, are policies and procedures Jewel Heart has in place for my benefit and the benefit of all in attendance to try to protect myself and others from Covid-19 and variants.
Each time I enter the Jewel Heart Center I confirm/certify the following:
- Vaccination Status:
- I have been fully vaccinated for Covid-19 (Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson), and the time for the vaccine and recommended booster to be fully effective has passed. I will present proof of vaccination and recommended booster as a card or digital/photo on phone upon entry, and understand this is a condition of entry.
- Currently and/or in the past 14 days I have not:
- Had a fever of 100.4 or higher.
- Had a headache, sore throat, cough, and/or nasal congestion
- Experienced shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, body aches and pain, loss of taste or smell, etc.
- Been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive or had Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
- Been diagnosed and/or tested positive with Covid
- If at any point I develop any Covid symptoms listed above, learn I have Covid, or believe that I have been exposed to Covid:
- I will leave Jewel Heart immediately if there, and if not there at the time I learn this, I will not come in person to Jewel Heart.
- I will immediately notify Jewel Heart of my exposure and/or diagnosis.
- I will not return to Jewel Heart until 14 days and testing negative
- Requirements while at Jewel Heart:
- Mask: I will wear a N95 or KN95 face mask at all times while inside at Jewel Heart.
- Note: if you do not have the 95 masks, Jewel Heart will provide one for you.
- Social Distancing: I will maintain three feet social distancing while at Jewel Heart, other than with family members. I understand there is no congregating in the main hall, however after the teachings, attendees can move to the café to chat, masked. I will maintain a 6 feet distance from Demo Rinpoche.
- Personal Hygiene: I will wash my hands or use hand sanitizer frequently for my protection and the protection of others.
- No Eating or Drinking: I will not eat or drink inside Jewel Heart, and if I do so outside on Jewel Heart property, I will follow the social distancing rules above.
- Mask: I will wear a N95 or KN95 face mask at all times while inside at Jewel Heart.
Jewel Heart’s Full Discretion:
I understand Jewel Heart reserves the right to change these policies and procedures and/or cancel in person attendance at Jewel Heart Center if circumstances warrant, including if anyone attending in person tests positive for Covid-19. I understand Jewel Heart also reserves the right to ask anyone not following these policies and procedures to leave immediately and I agree to this.
Assumption of Risk:
I understand Jewel Heart is relying on the good faith of attendees regarding the confirmations/certifications given in this Form and I assume all risk of getting sick with Covid-19 or variants and the ramifications, up to and possibly including death, in attending Jewel Heart programs onsite. I am attending the Program voluntarily, fully aware of and at my own risk.
For the safety of Demo Rimpoche, the attendees and Jewel Heart, these policies and procedures were developed in consultation with Demo Rinpoche, a committee in Ann Arbor (including three nurses who are members of Jewel Heart and continue to review the policies and procedures), staff and the executive directors. The Board also had input into and reviewed the policies and procedures to partially re-open when we first re-opened for summer retreat.
As well as implementing the new policies for this partial re-opening, Jewel Heart has taken a number of additional precautions. Among other things we are cleaning more often, have upgraded air filters, added room air purifiers, and will limit access in the building during teaching to the shrine room, bathrooms and store (store by appointment only). Office doors will have signs on them directing attendees to call Staff with any needs. Doors and windows that can be open will be kept open.
Please understand that Jewel Heart is carefully observing the changing circumstances of Covid-19.
Please also be aware that staff, Demo Rimpoche and the Board will be subject to the same policies and procedures in-person attendees are subject to.
Amended May 25, 2022