Jewel Heart Chaplaincy
In these difficult times it is important to know that help is available. Through the kindness and prescience of Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche, we have an established community chaplaincy. The primary purpose of this group is to provide assistance in times of illness, end of life and other difficult life experiences for ourselves and for our loved ones.
Contact information
If you need Chaplaincy Services, as noted below, please email: [email protected] or call 734-994-3387
Below are the services offered, though due to the current situation of evolving stay-at-home orders and the need for social distancing, the manner of delivering some of the services may need to be adjusted.
One on one pastoral support via direct personal contact, phone or digital media.
Illness/End of Life
- Organizing prayer support both locally and through available monastic services.
- Help with personal Dharma practice, especially associated with illness and end of life situations.
- Providing a resource portal for services to help in times of physical and psychological distress.
- Hospice support (we do not function as primary hospice providers but can offer assistance).
- End of life personal support.
- Dedicated practices for those that have passed.
- Funeral and memorial services
Other Services
- Prison meditation classes, study groups, visitation, and correspondence.
- General Dharma counseling including guidance on rituals, retreats, and everyday difficulties with our spiritual practice.
- Weddings and other rites of passage.
- We also organize workshops and classes associated with end of life preparation
About Jewel Heart Chaplains
As members of the Jewel Heart community, Jewel Heart Chaplains come to their role with many years of training in the form of teaching retreats, study, meditation retreats, and regular meditation practice. Jewel Heart Chaplains are approved by Jewel Heart’s Spiritual Director, and are guided by a training and mentoring program, as well as by a code of conduct. All chaplains are also approved within Jewel Heart as designated instructors or facilitators.
Disclaimer statement:
As a program of the Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center, a not-for-profit religious institution, the Jewel Heart Chaplaincy is an organized, unlicensed, volunteer program that provides wise and compassionate support and care to its membership, and the larger community as requested. Its activities do not constitute services provided by other human services programs that are licensed or credentialed by various governmental or professional agencies, such as nursing care, mental health counseling, social work, or education. Instead, the Jewel Heart Chaplaincy provides its services as an adjunct to and in collaboration with these services. Any particular advice or guidance given by individuals associated with the Jewel Heart Chaplaincy does not necessarily represent or reflect the opinion of the institution of Jewel Heart Tibetan Learning Center.