Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times.

Free and open to all
Onsite at Jewel Heart Ann Arbor, 1129 Oak Valley Drive
Online via Zoom

Join Demo Rinpoche for weekly public talks on a variety of topics based on Buddhist wisdom that remains relevant for modern life. Everyone is invited to join the facilitated discussion that follows the talk, both online and onsite.

Note: On April 20, Demo Rinpoche’s Sunday Talk will celebrate Earth Day. Ann Arbor onsite only programming on April 20 will also include – 10am Smoke Puja with Jadal Tulku and Hartmut Sagolla, 12pm recorded presentation by Gardener Richard Thomas and a Garden Blessing by Demo Rinpoche, followed by an afternoon tea at 1pm. There will be no onsite/online discussion following the Sunday talk on April 20. Please see White Tara guided meditation section below announcing no White Tara guided meditation on April 20.


After registering for zoom, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions, including the option to save the zoom link to your calendar and to set up reminder notifications.

Recent Talks

Also on Sundays

White Tara Guided Meditation, Sundays online and onsite Ann Arbor at 9:30am ET. Click to explore our White Tara Meditations webpage. Note: No White Tara session on February 16 and 23, April 20 due to the special Earth Day activities, May 26 due to Spring Seminar, July 27 due to Summer Retreat programming, and October 12 due to the Fall Seminar.
White Tara Zoom Registration
Download the Prayer to Noble Tara used during these sessions

Demo Rinpoche presented talks on the Jataka Tales: Stories from Buddha’s Previous Lives in 2024 on February 4, March 10, April 7, May 5 and June 2.

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