All Times ET

Mondays at 12:00 – 1:00pm: Healing and Compassion Meditation

Weekly sessions of guided meditations on healing and compassion for oneself and others and group discussion. Facilitated by Hartmut Sagolla.

No sessions February 17.

Tuesdays at 7:00 – 8:30pm: Practical Buddhism: The Tibetan Approach by Gelek Rimpoche recordings followed by virtual discussion

Practical Buddhism presents 2012/-2014 Sunday talk recordings by Gelek Rimpoche, offering an opportunity for some to revisit and an introduction for others. Live facilitated discussions led by Jewel Heart Instructors follow each session, and are not recorded. No session February 18, 2025. NOTEPractical Buddhism will move Wednesday evenings going forward beginning March 19, 2025.

Fridays at 5:30pm: Group Practice: Medicine Buddha – Click for Medicine Buddha practice (pdf) No sessions January 3, 24, February 7, 21.

The Medicine Buddha practice offers a powerful meditative basis to focus on healing for oneself and others, protection from dangers and obstacles, and eradication of the inner sicknesses of obsession, hatred and ignorance. This is open to anyone who has received a Medicine Buddha initiation or any tantra initiation. No session February 21, 2025

Group Practices facilitated by Jewel Heart Instructors.

Sundays at 9:30 – 10:30am: White Tara Guided Healing Meditation Click for Prayer to Noble Tara  (pdf). Click to explore our White Tara Meditations webpage.

Tara, mother goddess of Tibetan Buddhism, is known for her quick and compassionate activity. White Tara is particularly associated with healing and long life. These guided meditations use visualization techniques to overcome physical, mental and emotional suffering. Available online and onsite Ann Arbor, these sessions are facilitated by Jewel Heart Instructors.

Note: No session on February 16 and 23, April 20 due to the special Earth Day activities, May 26 due to Spring Seminar, July 27 due to Summer Retreat, and October 12 due to the Fall Seminar.

Sundays at 11:00am – 12:00pm: Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. with Demo Rinpoche followed by Virtual Community Discussion

Join Demo Rinpoche for weekly Sunday morning public talks, suitable for newcomers and long-timers alike, and followed by a facilitated group discussion based on the morning talk. These sessions are offered both online and onsite Ann Arbor.

Weekly Sunday talks with Demo Rinpoche and optional onsite/online optional discussions following the talks.

Note: No session on February 16 and 23, May 26 due to Spring Seminar, July 27 due to Summer Retreat, and October 12 due to the Fall Seminar.

Visit Demo Rinpoche’s Sunday morning talks on the Jataka Tales: Stories of Buddha’s Previous Lives, offered March 10, April 7, May 5 and June 2, 2024.

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With deep appreciation for the dharma and your support in making these helpful resources widely available, we welcome all tax-deductible contributions during this difficult time.

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