White Tara Guided Healing Meditations
Tara, mother goddess of Tibetan Buddhism, is known for her quick and compassionate activity. White Tara is particularly associated with healing and long life. These guided meditations use visualization techniques to overcome physical, mental and emotional suffering. Facilitated by Jewel Heart Instructors.
Demo Rinpoche’s Sunday Talk, followed by Virtual Community Discussion
Join Demo Rinpoche for his Sunday morning public talks, suitable for newcomers and long-timers alike, and followed by a facilitated group discussion based on the morning talk.
Healing and Compassion Meditations
Weekly sessions of guided meditations on healing and compassion for oneself and others and group discussion. Facilitated by Hartmut Sagolla.
Putting Out the Nervous System’s Fire: Meditations for Coping in Crisis
Settling the mind is tough in the best of times, but when we are hit with circumstances that change our reality, getting access to the part of ourselves that can think clearly and problem solve becomes nearly impossible. Using the breath, writing exercises, and guided meditations, we’ll help you find ways to calm the body’s threat response and regain your balance. Facilitated by Amy Hertz.
Weekly online Group Practices facilitated by Jewel Heart Instructors
Group Practice: Green Tara
Green Tara practice evokes Tara’s many enlightened healing activities through recitation and guided visualizations, supporting helpful and healing ways to relate to ourselves and the world around us.
Group Practice: Lama Chopa and Tsoh
Lama Chopa is a comprehensive practice to help ground and strengthen our relationship with our spiritual teachers as well as the various activities that support realizing our fullest spiritual potential, to reach enlightenment for the greater benefit of all.
Group Practice: Medicine Buddha Puja
The Eight Medicine Buddha practice offers a powerful meditative basis to focus on healing for oneself and others, protection from dangers and obstacles, and eradication of the inner sicknesses of obsession, hatred and ignorance.
Weekly teachings based on applying Buddha’s wisdom to everyday life
WHITE TARA is a core Jewel Heart practice. Gelek Rimpoche brought this powerful and unique lineage to us, rich with practices and visualization meditations to overcome physical, mental and emotional suffering. White Tara is particularly associated with healing and long life.