Tokden Rinpoche has graciously accepted our request to give a series of Vajrayana initiations and teachings at Jewel Heart Ann Arbor. He is one of a handful of the great living Gelugpa masters educated in old Tibet who is available to give us these initiations. He is one of the lamas specifically invited by Gelek Rimpoche to give initiations at Jewel Heart. His first visit to Jewel Heart was at the 1993 Summer Retreat.

Teaching Schedule (subject to change)

Teachings (Friday – Saturday, November 15–23) The teachings will be onsite at the Jewel Heart Ann Arbor Center and will only be available online via Zoom for those who have registered for the Tokden Rinpoche initiations. Vajrayogini and Cittamani Tara teachings require their respective initiations in order to attend the teaching.

Yamantaka Teachings Concluded Nov. 16

Vajrayogini Teachings Concluded Nov. 22

Cittamani Tara Teachings on Saturday, November 23

The upcoming times are projected to be (check regularly for updates):

  • Saturday, November 23 (10:00 am – 12:00 pm, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, 6:15pm to conclusion)

Medicine Buddha Empowerment

  • Sunday, November 24 (beginning at 11:00 am. Plan on 2-3 hours.) Online attendance is taken as a blessing only. Refrain from meat, eggs, onions, and garlic prior to the empowerment.

Introduction to Vajrayana Resources

You may also like to view Gelek Rimpoche’s Introduction to Tantra and Introduction to Vajrayana teachings available in the The Gelek Rimpoche Archive.

Demo Rinpoche’s teaching on an Introduction to Vajrayana is available on the Jewel Heart website.

Resources for Tokden Rinpoche’s Teachings:

Roar of Thunder Yamantaka Practice and Commentary (The Dechen Ling Practice Series). Contains the 5th Ling Rinpoche commentary Tokden Rinpoche is teaching from. Available in hard copy or kindle.

The Extremely Secret Dakini of Naropa by Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo. Available in hard copy or kindle.

Secret Revelations of Chittamani Tara by Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo. Available in hard copy or kindle.

About Tokden Rinpoche

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