On the occasion of Sakadawa Day, the day of Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death, there is great merit in taking the Eight Mahayana precepts for 24 hours. The precepts are taken at dawn before the local area’s sunrise.

Demo Rinpoche will give the precepts in-person at the Jewel Heart Ann Arbor Center promptly at 5:45am ET. Doors will open at 5:30am to allow onsite participants to be ready by 5:45am. The session will also open online via Zoom at 5:30am.

Jewel Heart in-person attendance is subject to Jewel Heart’s policies and are regularly updated based on covid conditions. Please click to read the Self-Health Screen & Safety Confirmation Acknowledgement Form. By your onsite presence, you confirm you have read, understood and will comply with the policies. Proof of vaccination and booster required at the door.

The video recording of the Mahayana Precepts Ceremony below is to support those who have previously received the transmission of these precepts. Please note: To take these precepts for the first time requires in-person transmission from a qualified person. The video below does not serve the purpose of taking them for the first time.

For those re-taking the precepts, you can follow the video below using the Jewel Heart Prayer Book for your session. The prayer book is available on the Jewel Heart Members webpage or for purchase here.

Elements for taking the precepts in the Jewel Heart Prayer Book are on –

Or for your convenience, they are combined in the single pdf for download below.

Please note: The precept of “not eating at the wrong time” refers to not eating after lunchtime, with breakfast and lunch preferably vegetarian.

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Registration lets us know you will be attending and provides the zoom link via this web page or the registration confirmation email. Newcomers to Jewel Heart will receive instructions about their account in their registration email.

For questions about registration, contact [email protected].

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