Analytical Meditation: Focusing on Compassion and Wisdom

Widely practiced in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, analytical meditation uses cognitive methods to overcome destructive emotions, such as anger and attachment, to generate helpful states of mind such as compassion and wisdom.
Session 1, May 8, 2024
Session 2, May 15, 2024
Session 3, May 22, 2024
Session 4, May 29, 2024


Course Videos

Jim Dawson had the good fortune of meeting Gelek Rimpoche at the age of 14 and practicing as a Buddhist for almost 30 years. He has worked to integrate these practices as a director of non-profit advocacy organizations working for environmental, economic, and racial justice. Jim lives in Washington State in a co-housing village that he and his wife co-founded.

Kathy Laritz served as Gelek Rimpoche’s assistant for 18 years and continues as Jewel Heart Program Director. She is a Jewel Heart Instructor and has been a student at Jewel Heart since 1987.

Access selected teachings relevant to analytical meditation from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive for free

For context and background of the analytical meditation teachings, here is a link to selected teachings from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive that Gelek Rimpoche held in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1992. You should also note the Archive contains many other teachings Gelek Rimpoche gave over the years but we think this is a good one to start with.

From the Archive - Analytical Meditation Teachings

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