Buddhist Tantra, a special Mahayana Buddhist practice transmitted and practiced for centuries, was brought from India to Tibet. It is based entirely on the realization of emptiness and the pursuit of the welfare of all beings. Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche has been teaching Buddhist Tantra for decades in the West and East and is considered one of the greatest tantric masters of our time due to his training and ability.
The tools of tantra include mantra, mudra, and meditation. Its principles lie in the five Buddha families. It encompasses symbolism as well as the deepest levels of meditation and philosophy. Rinpoche’s talk will explain the inner logic of the tantric method, without flashiness or mystical embellishments, because “the secret of tantra lies not in tantra itself but in our limited abilities to conceive it.”
His Eminence Loden Sherab Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche was born in East Tibet in 1940. At the age of four he was recognized as the 9th Kyabgon (protector) of the region of Dagyab. Rinpoche is one of the highest tulkus in Tibet. In 1959, Rinpoche escaped with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to India. From 1964 to 1966, he directed Tibet House in New Delhi, an internationally recognized institute for the preservation and support of Tibetan culture.
H.E. Dagyab Rinpoche came to Germany in 1966 in response to an invitation from Bonn University to work as a Tibetologist at its Institute for Central Asian Studies. In the 1980’s, due to the explicit request of people interested in Buddhism, he became active as a spiritual teacher for Europeans. The Buddhist community, Chödzong, came into being as a result of this collaboration and together with Rinpoche founded Tibet Haus Germany.
For more about Rinpoche and his work visit https://www.dagyab-rinpoche.com, and/or https://www.tibethaus.com/en/he-dagyab-rinpoche.html
DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 4, 2022, 9:00am – 10:30am ET
FEE: $55
H.E. Dagyab Kyabgon Rinpoche will give the Logic of Tantra teaching in English on Saturday, June 4. In addition to English as the default language for participants joining the program, simultaneous Chinese and German interpretation will be available.
Instructions to select Chinese or German interpretation: Upon entering the Zoom meeting, look to the bottom of your screen/device on the zoom control panel for “Interpretation”. Click for options to choose Chinese or German. Choose your preferred language.
You will now be able to hear the interpreter speaking in the language you have chosen, along with the faint sound of the main speaker’s voice in the background.
If you prefer not to hear the faint voice in the background, click again on “Interpretation” at the bottom and choose “Mute Original Audio”. Now you will only hear the interpreter.
The interpretation will be available for the entire program, during the introduction, teaching and Q & A, and closing. Please Note – Q & A participation will be through Chat only.
For questions about the program, please contact [email protected].