The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life is one of the most beloved and important contributions to the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. 8th-century Indian scholar Shantideva gives detailed instructions on how to live in accordance with the altruistic bodhisattva ideals of helping others.
In this series, Demo Rinpoche will guide us through Chapter 5, “Guarding Alertness,” which elaborates on foundational Buddhist principles such as compassion, right speech, right conduct, and The Six Perfections (generosity, patience, morality, diligence, concentration, and wisdom).
Since April of 2020, Demo Rinpoche has delivered clear and contemporary explanations on The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, stressing that it is helpful for anyone regardless of religion or spiritual orientation because Shantideva’s message is simple: Examine your mind and body. As Demo Rinpoche explains, “If you don’t examine your mind, you always feel like you’re perfect, and somehow the problem is with other people.” To remedy ego-grasping habits, Shantideva suggests grounding each moment we spend with others in deep compassion:
“When beholding someone with my eyes,
Thinking, ‘I shall fully awaken
Through depending on this being,
I should look at him with an open heart and love.”
Shantideva’s care for all sentient beings is palpable and inspiring. We hope you will join us!
NOTE: March 14 Session is a live facilitated group discussion.
Fee: $70 / Pay What You Can
About Demo Rinpoche