Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland of Advice to a King
In his Precious Garland, Nagarjuna gives advice on how to gain happiness in this life, individually and as a society. He then expands the scope to include happiness in future lives and attaining enlightenment through practical ethics, great compassion and the wisdom of kindness and emptiness.
Fee: $70 / Pay What You Can
About Demo Rinpoche
Additional Courses:
- Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Part 1 2021
- Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Part 2 2022
- Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Part 3 2022
- Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland Part 4 2023

Access selected Songs of Spiritual Experience teachings from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive for free
For context and background of the Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland teachings, here are links to selected teachings from The Gelek Rimpoche Archive that Gelek Rimpoche held in 2011 in Ann Arbor. You should also note the Archive contains many other teachings Gelek Rimpoche gave over the years but we think this is a good one to start with.
From the Archive - 2011 Songs of Spiritual Experience