Tears of a Bodhisattva – The Spiritual Biography of Bodhisattva Sadāprarudita (The Constantly Weeping Bodhisattva)

The story of Sadaprarudita, known as the Constantly Weeping Bodhisattva, first appears in The Perfection of Wisdom in 8000 Lines. His story was later related by Je Tsongkhapa in his own text titled Perpetually Weeping Bodhisattva. Like other outstanding early Tibetan scholars, Je Tsongkhapa did not compose many teachings in the form of poetry. In his writing on the Bodhisattva Sadaprarudita, however, Je Tsongkhapa used poetic verse to relate how Bodhisattva Sadprarudita was yearning for a teaching of Prajaparimita from Master Dharmodgata and was willing to make any sacrifice to obtain his aim.

Sadaprarudita was always weeping because he did not have any offerings to obtain these precious teachings. Out of desperation he was about to sacrifice his own body but through the generosity of a kind woman impressed by his sincere intentions, she provided the resources for him to obtain the teachings. After receiving the teachings, he wept great tears of joy because he possessed the realization of bodhicitta and great compassion.

Tsongkhapa praises Sadaprarudita and urges the reader to follow his determined efforts to attain an altruistic mind.

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