This class is a receptive practice of meditation, restorative yoga, pranayama and contemplative journaling to reset our nervous system. By Tending and Befriending ourselves with quiet purpose, we begin to get familiar with how to best care for ourselves, even with just one breath.
This class is open to anybody. You will need 2-3 blankets, and 2-3 bolsters (or rolled towels/blankets).
Cyndi Lee is the first female Western yoga teacher to integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism in her practice and teaching. In 1998, she founded the OM yoga Center in NYC, a mecca for yogis worldwide. One of the most influential teachers in the U.S., Cyndi’s teaching work is focused on engaged yoga, meditation and sustainability. Cyndi is the author of five books including the classic yoga text: Yoga Body Buddha Mind and the New York Times critically acclaimed May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind. She is a regular contributor to numerous publications including Yoga Journal, Real Simple and Lion’s Roar.
In 2018, she was ordained as a Lay Buddhist Chaplain by Roshi Joan Halifax at Upaya Zen Center. Cyndi’s root guru is the Tibetan master, Gelek Rimpoche. She has been teaching yoga for 40 years and meditation for 30 years.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
FEE: $20