How can we best navigate the realities of life and death? Is it possible to attain lasting happiness? These sessions are a meditative exploration of the human condition from a Buddhist background. Building on the Meditation Technology programs, we will use different approaches to gain deeper insight into our lives, aiming at gaining freedom from all suffering. The program includes instruction, guided meditation, individual meditation and discussion sessions.
Click here for program presenter’s bios
DATE/TIMES: Saturdays, 9:00 am – 1:00pm ET
Individual Session Fees:
$25 Jewel Heart Members / $30 Non-Members
No one is turned away due to financial considerations.
Your contribution helps support Jewel Heart preserve and present authentic Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
Registration includes on-demand access to this program’s recordings as well as support materials via a personal Jewel Heart login account. Newcomers to Jewel Heart online programs receive instructions about their account in their registration confirmation email. Please allow a day or two following the live programs for recordings to be posted.
For registration questions, contact [email protected].
The sessions below are available to be taken individually or as part of a successive course of study and practice.
To follow in sequence, you are welcome to begin with the offerings available through the initial 10 sessions of Meditation Technology: A Series on How to Meditate in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. Then, to apply the meditation tools introduced and developed in the first series, we invite you to experience these 7 sessions below with Applied Meditation Technology: Blueprints of Enlightenment.
Continuing forward, you might choose the next steps on your meditation journey with Applied Meditation Technology: Blueprints of Enlightenment – Compassion for Others.
For questions about these programs and options, write [email protected].
Precious Human Life – Rare and Hard to Get
Taking our life for granted we waste precious time. This workshop focuses on appreciating the opportunities of a spiritual life and making life meaningful.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 1, 2021 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
Impermanence – Death and Dying
Wonderful is life, short it’s nature – (Je Tsongkhapa, 3 Principles). Why dwell on the end of life? We don’t know what’s on the other side and if we can prepare now is the time. By realizing the fragility and beauty of our life we take more care to appreciate it and make the time we have left count.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 5, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
Karma – Opportunities and Challenges
What causes the events in our lives to happen? Is it chance or the actions of a higher power – or just cause and effect? This workshop explores the reality of actions and their consequences through guided meditations, individual meditation and discussion.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, July 10, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
The Truth of Suffering
While our life has many moments of happiness, there are inevitable difficulties like sickness, aging and death, and constant underlying symptoms of unease, dissatisfaction, uncertainty and fear. This workshop will discuss unrealistic expectations and offer a reality check on the human condition.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 7, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
The Cause of Suffering
There are many obvious reasons for the various kinds of human misery, but underlying all of them are our own individual and collective actions, perceptions and emotional reactions.
Exploring these leads to a re-appraisal of our choices and a path to lasting happiness.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, September 11, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
The 12 Links of Dependent Origination
Investigating the causes for all suffering, the Buddha discovered a deep-seated pattern tracing back to a fundamental misconception of our own existence, which then spawns many secondary afflicted states of mind and thereby powers a chain reaction of events that constantly recreates situations of pain and discomfort. Understanding this is the key to disengage from the self-perpetuating cycle of misery.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 2, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET
The Cessation of Suffering and the Path Leading to It
By uprooting fundamental misconceptions about reality, all misguided actions and consequently all causes of misery will cease and lasting happiness can be attained. This workshop will focus on practical methods to get closer to this goal.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, Saturday, November 6, 2021, 9:00am – 1:00pm ET

Hartmut Sagolla first met Gelek Rimpoche in 1984 and has been studying Tibetan Buddhism for over 30 years. He lived at the Tibetan Buddhist Society, Melbourne, Australia before moving to the U.S. and since 2002 has served as a Program Director at Jewel Heart. He is a Jewel Heart instructor and Director of the Bloomfield Hills chapter.
Supa (Greg) Corner has been practicing Buddhism since 1979. He was ordained in the Chogye order of Korean Zen Buddhism with seven years of formal practice. In 1987 he began studying Tibetan Buddhism with the late master Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche and is currently an instructor and community chaplain at Jewel Heart, as well as the Director of the West Michigan chapter.
Odyssey to Freedom – Transcript by Gelek Rimpoche
Lam Rim Volume 1 – Transcript by Gelek Rimpoche
True Value of Life – On Demand Audio teaching by Gelek Rimpoche
Good Life, Good Death – On Demand Audio teaching by Gelek Rimpoche
Good Life, Good Death – Book by Gelek Rimpoche (paperback only)
Karma – Transcript by Gelek Rimpoche
SUGGESTED COURSE for purchase:
Mind and Meditation
Death and Dying Workshop