An Experiential Workshop on the Neuroscience of Meditation to Ease Anxiety and Self-Criticism in a Time of Uncertainty
This day-long experiential workshop will provide instruction and experiential practice in several mindfulness and compassion practices shown to be effective for worry, self-criticism, and depressive rumination.
It will also provide a comprehensive and current explanation of the neuroscience of mindfulness and compassion meditation that is accessible and understandable.
We will discuss the neuroscience of anxiety and rumination, and how mindfulness and compassion meditations can affect the neurocircuitry of the brain and autonomic nervous system leading to improved capacity for present-moment attention, acceptance, feelings of connection, and emotional regulation, in the context of modern cognitive science, affective and evolutionary psychology, attachment theory, and cutting-edge neuroscience in neuroplasticity, emotional regulation and reward neurocircuitry, mirror-neuron systems, and large-scale neural connectivity networks.
Registration includes on-demand access to this program’s recordings via a personal Jewel Heart login account. Newcomers to Jewel Heart online programs receive instructions about their account in their registration confirmation email. Please allow a day or two following the live programs for recordings to be posted.
Saturday June 20, 10:00am – 1:00pm; 3:00 – 7:00pm Eastern Time
FEE: $100
Anthony King is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at University of Michigan Medical School, and adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Michigan. He is a certified teacher of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and a staff psychologist at Michigan Medicine Anxiety Disorders Program, where he leads the MBCT program for Anxiety and Depression. He is director of the Michigan Laboratory for Mindfulness and Compassion in Psychotherapy, and conducts NIH-funded clinical neuroscience research on Mindfulness and Compassion-based psychotherapy for PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and their effects on neural networks using functional MRI neuroimaging. Tony has been a student of Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche Dorjechang for over 30 years, and an instructor of Jewel Heart Tibetan Buddhist Centers since the mid-1990s.
For more information about Tony visit https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/psychiatry/anthony-king-phd