“Dharma Gaze” is a personal experiential and literary account of the power and presence of dharma in Anne Waldman’s own life with explication and some readings from her own poetry. There are references to resonances in poetry, in life, in experiences with teachers such as Geshe Wangyal whom she first met in the early 1960’s.
We will have time for Q & A and a writing experiment.
Thursday, July 8, 7:00 – 8:30pm
FEE: $20
Anne Waldman, Poet, Performer, Distinguished Professor, JKS Co-Founder, SWP Artistic Director, and Core Faculty, Naropa University
Anne Waldman is a poet, performer, professor, curator, and co-founder with Allen Ginsberg of the Jack Kerouac School at Naropa University, where she has worked for 47 years. A longtime student of Buddhism, she has taken vows and received teachings from Jadral Rimpoche, Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche, and Khenytse Rimpoche. She knew and loved Gelek Rimpoche, visiting his centers in Michigan and New York City, traveling with him together with Allen Ginsberg in Europe on a mini-tours sometime in the late 80’s or 90’s.
Author of more than 50 publications of poetry, her most recent works include: Sanctuary (Spuyten Duyvil, 2020), Songs of the Sons and Daughters of Buddha (co-translated with Sanskritist Andrew Schelling, Shambhala, 2020), the album SCIAMACHY with Levy Gorvy Gallery, Laurie Anderson, William Parker, and others (Fast Speaking Music, 2020), Trickster Feminism (Penguin Books, 2018), Extinction Aria (Pied Oxen, 2017), Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet To Be Born (Coffee House, 2016) CROSS WORLDS: Transcultural Poetics (Coffee House Press, 2014), Gossamurmur (Penguin Poets, 2013),and the author of JAGUAR POETICS (Post-Apollo Press) and the JAGUAR POETICS CD, produced by Fast Speaking Music which features musicians: Ha-Yang Kim, Devin Brahja Waldman, Daniel Carter and Ambrose Bye. Forthcoming works include: BARD, Kinetic (Coffee House, 2021) The New Weathers (Nightboat, 2021).
Waldman is an internationally recognized performer of her own work, and in last decades has had travels to Finland, Berlin, Casablanca, Tangiers, Paris, Geneva for conferences and festivals. She is a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Book Awards, a PEN Center Literary Award in Poetry, the Shelley Memorial Award for Poetry, and has been deemed a “counter- cultural giant” by Publisher’s Weekly. She is a Chancellor Emeritus of the Academy of American Poets and recipient of the 2013 Guggenheim Fellowship.
Anne Waldman: Hungry Ghost of Worlds Poem