Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe will present three evening sessions on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva (laklen sodunma) — a practical guide for anyone aspiring to follow the path of great compassion, leading to full enlightenment. Geshe Thabkhe will be teaching live from Texas.
Click for a brief video introduction announcing the program by Hartmut Sagolla. A 50 minute summary recording, also by Hartmut Sagolla, is available on the registrant webpage.
This teaching is a continuation of Geshe Thabkhe’s September 2021 Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Practices teachings.
Click here to register for the previous 2021 program which includes access to Geshe Thabkhe’s earlier teachings’ video recordings.
DATES/TIME: Thursdays, May 5, 12, 19, 2022 – 7:00 – 8:30pm
COST: $75
Pay What You Can
- 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva Commentary by Gelek Rimpoche
- Dalai Lama, Commentary on the Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva , Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1996
- Geshe Sonam Rinchen, The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas, translated by Ruth Sonam, Snow Lion, 1997
- Chökyi Dragpa, Uniting Wisdom and Compassion: Illuminating the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, translated by Heidi Koppl, Wisdom, 2004
- Dilgo Khyentse, The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva, translated by Padmakara Translation Group, Shambhala, 2007
- Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Traveling the Path of Compassion, A Commentary on the Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva (KTD Publications, 2009)
- Ringu Tulku, Daring Steps Towards Fearlessness: The Three Vehicles of Buddhism, Snow Lion, 2005 (Includes a commentary on the 37 Practices)
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe is a genuine contemplative master and a member of the last generation extensively trained in old Tibet. He received his monastic education at Drepung Loseling Monastery and, in 1969, was awarded the Geshe Lharampa, the highest degree of scholarship conferred within the Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism. He is Professor Emeritus of Buddhist Philosophy at the Central University of Tibetan Studies, the only Tibetan university in India. His scholarly work includes a translation of The Essence of Good Explanation of Definitive and Interpretable Meanings (Tib. Lek-Shey Nying-Po) by Tsongkhapa into Hindi, and A Commentary on the Rice Seedlings Sutra (Skt. Salistamba Sutra) by Vasubhandu. He has facilitated numerous other research works, including the complete translation of Lama Tsongkhapa’s The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Tib. Lam Rim Chen Mo), a major project undertaken by The Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center in New Jersey, where he teaches regularly. Jewel Heart has had the honor of hosting Professor Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe for many years. He has given teachings on diverse topics and texts, including the first eight chapters of Aryadeva’s Four Hundred Stanzas on the Middle Way.