Lojong Mind Training Lessons 22 – 27

Learning, Thinking, and Meditating on the 3 Poisons and 3 Virtues
Lesson Number 22 of 27
What is the difference between relative and ultimate bodhimind? What are the three poisons and three virtues? What is involved in developing wisdom?
In this lesson, Rimpoche begins to review key ideas in this Lojong teaching. Here, he highlights the importance of applying focused effort to speed up, strengthen and stabilize our capacity for bodhimind. He urges us to be happy when we succeed at defeating the poisons of attachment, hatred, and ignorance; and when we take these poisons from others in order to relieve their suffering.

How to Train Your Mind in Compassion and Love: Synopsis 1
Lesson Number 23 of 27
What are the five main ideas of this Lojong teaching? How can we transform negativities that harm the environment and others? How can suffering and enjoyments serve as my teacher or guide, or as a reminder?
In this lesson, Rimpoche begins to lay out a concise summary of 7 points Mind Training. In his review of the first three of five main ideas, he discusses the importance of preliminary practices; the relative and ultimate forms of bodhimind; and how to make best use of obstacles and unfavorable conditions.

How to Train Your Mind in Compassion and Love: Synopsis 2
Lesson Number 24 of 27
How do I integrate this practice into my life? What is the “white seed?” What are the “5 forces of virtue” and “5 forces of dying”?
In this lesson, Rimpoche continues to review the five main ideas of 7 Point Mind Training. Here, he explains more about how to transform obstacles into the path; and he offers commentary on the fourth idea, spelling out how to integrate this practice into one’s life by applying the “5 forces of living” and “5 forces of dying.”

How to Train Your Mind in Compassion and Love: Synopsis 3
Lesson Number 25 of 27
How do I apply the “5 forces of living”? What can I do as I am dying? What is the Lojong Phowa?
In this lesson, Rimpoche continues to review five main ideas of the 7 Point Mind Training. Here, he elaborates on the “5 forces of living” and “5 forces of dying.” Through compelling storytelling he highlights the Lojong Phowa. He also discusses how to destroy the ego by using oneself and others as witnesses.

How to Train Your Mind in Compassion and Love: Synopsis 4
Lesson Number 26 of 27
What is the main purpose of this practice? What are the “5 greatnesses?”
In this lesson, Rimpoche continues to review the final ideas of 7 Point Mind Training. He discusses the fifth idea of combining all dharma into one intention, to destroy the ego. He reminds us that suffering is impermanent, and offers an explanation of the “5 greatnesses.” To elaborate on these, he shares a moving story told to him by Ram Dass.

How to Train Your Mind in Compassion and Love: Synopsis 5
Lesson Number 27 of 27
We have a rough edge to our mind. Improve yourself. Be more gentle, more kind. Love and compassion is your protection.
In this lesson, Rimpoche concludes his teaching on 7 Point Mind Training. He underscores the importance of equanimity; the 4 Immeasurables; patience; and keeping one’s commitment. Training the mind with these good works gives us good results, and makes our life worthwhile.