Welcome to the Jewel Heart Ann Arbor Chapter Webpage!
HIGHLIGHTS FOR ANN ARBOR PROGRAMS & SANGHA ACTIVITIES – Note: NEW process to register for local Ann Arbor Dharma Programs. For the full local Dharma Programs schedule, scroll further below.
JEWEL HEART SUNDAY PROGRAMS – Local/National, onsite/online
Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. with Demo Rinpoche. Free weekly Sunday Talks, 11:00am – 12:00pm, Onsite/online. All welcome. Onsite, tea/snacks and optional discussion follows the morning talk.
Join the SPRINGTIME BRUNCH on Sunday, April 13 after Demo Rinpoche’s morning talk. Suggested donation $12. All Welcome. We invite you to bring a savory dish or salad.
NEW PROGRAM – WHAT IS MEDITATION? Sunday, April 13, 3:00 – 4:00pm Jadal Tulku Lobsang Sherap Onsite. See details in Program section below.
SPECIAL EARTH DAY PROGRAMMING ONSITE, Sunday, April 20 – 10am – Smoke Puja, 11am – Onsite/Online Earth Day Sunday Talk by Demo Rinpoche remains scheduled as usual, 12pm – Presentation by Garden Architect Richard Thomas and a Garden Blessing by Demo Rinpoche, 12:30pm – Afternoon Tea. Online discussion will meet as usual on Sunday, April 20. No April 20 online/onsite facilitated discussion.
White Tara Guided Meditation. Free Sundays, 9:30 – 10:30am. Onsite/online. All welcome. Click to explore the White Tara Meditations/Practice webpage. No White Tara Guided Meditation session April 20 due to special morning onsite program.
NEW PROGRAM – WHAT IS MEDITATION, Sunday, April 13, 3:00 – 4:00pm Jadal Tulku Lobsang Sherap Onsite.
Ever tried on your own to meditate, not quite sure how to? Or if you do meditate, looking for a refresher and some new methods to calm your mind, de-stress, focus, be happy and increase your good qualities of compassion, wisdom, patience and so on? Come to this foundational meditation workshop with Jadal Tulku, incarnate Tibetan lama, accomplished meditation master and Geshe Lharampa from Drepung monastery.
Biography – Jadal Tulku Lobsang Sherap was recognized by the 100th Ganden Tripa, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1999. He then studied at Drepung Loseling Monastery through 2014. Next he attended Gelugpa University focusing on advanced studies on the five major treatises of Buddhist philosophical texts. He received the bachelor’s level Karam Degree and master’s level Lopön degree, and then the Geshe Lharam degree in 2020. In 2021 Jadal Tulku also studied tantra at Gyume Tantric College, in Hunsur, and then at the National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center in Taipai City, Taiwan. See photo below in the Lama Chopa and Tsoh section.
DEEPENING AWARENESS Meditation Course – Mondays, March 3 – April 7, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30pm. Onsite only. FREE. Donations Welcome. Registration required
Becoming more aware of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and phenomena through meditation opens the door to understanding the natuure of our mind and how it influences our experiences. This course is based on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness taught in all traditions of Buddhism, as well as meditations on compassion. All levels of experience are welcome. Click here to register. Facilitators – Birgit Roller studied with Gelek Rimpoche and many other great Tibetan Buddhist lamas over 25 years. She is the Executive Director of a non-profit benefitting the health and education of veterans. Figen Lacin began studying Buddhism when she met Gelek Rimpoche in 2010. She has a Ph.D., working as an engineer with a focus on clean air and enjoys connecting with people.
Wednesdays, January 8 – March 19, 7pm – 8:30pm
Facilitators: Elizabeth Hurwitz and Helen Breault. Click here to register.
GOM: DAY OF MEDITATION – Saturdays, January 25 and March 29, 9:00am – 5:00pm. FREE
Meditation is an essential tool to help develop peace, joy, concentration and wisdom. GOM Days provide an opportunity to participate in silent group meditation sessions. Instructors will provide light guidance and will be available for assistance. Participants are welcome to come and go as suits their personal schedules throughout the day. Click here to register.
CREATING SPACE: Clarity & Insight through Meditation – Mondays, January 6 – February 3, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30pm. No session January 20, due to holiday. FREE, Registration required
Meditation provides us with a clear stable mind, necessary for a happy life as well as the foundation for deepening our spiritual journey. This is a condensed four week course, offering hands-on experience with all of the basic elements of meditation – attention to breath, posture, plus techniques for coping with distractions and laxity of mind. All levels of experience are welcome. Facilitators – John Madison and Wendy Weiner. Click here to register.
MONTHLY LAMA CHOPA & TSOH – 6:00pm on the 10th lunar day. Onsite Only. Jadal Tulku Lobsang Sherap (Tulku-lha) will lead the sessions. Dates: January 9, March 9, 4:30pm – Note different time, No session February 10.
YOGA STRETCH WITH SAMANTHA LIEBERMAN – Weekly Thursdays, 9:15 – 10:15am No session February 20. See further below for more details.
NEW – STRETCH – Weekly Fridays, 9:15 – 10:15am No Session February 21 and March 14. Samantha Lieberman has moved her weekly STRETCH program to Jewel Heart. Come educate yourself on the how, the why and the importance of stretching. See below for more details.
CHOTRUL DUCHEN, THE DAY OF MIRACLES, Friday, March 14. The Day of Miracles is a holy day in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar that celebrates the Buddha’s miraculous powers. It is a day of prayer and practice, and is considered auspicious for positive actions. On this day, people dedicate the merit of their actions to the enlightenment of all beings. The karmic results of positive actions on this day are multiplied. Today is a great day to bring canned goods to the center for donation. We will take them to the Ann Arbor Food Gatherers. You can place donations in the container in the cafe. Also, if you have time, you are welcome to join us to clean the center on March 14, 10am to 12pm and enjoy the follow up pizza party at 12pm.
FREE FILM & DISCUSSION – Monthly Fridays, 7:00pm, February 14: Don’t Look Up, March 14: Take Shelter, April 11: Melancholia, May 9, June 13
HAPPY HIKERS – Monthly Saturdays, 1:30- 2:30pm – January 18, March 15, April 19, May 17, No session in February – Check the weather to plan appropriately.
March 15 Location: Bird Hills Nature Area parking, 1850 Newport Rd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
TAI CHI – Sundays, 4:00 – 5:00pm $5 per session. Sessions will meet April 6, 20 27. No Tai Chi February 9, 16, 23, all of March and April 13.
LOVING KINDNESS CRAFTERS – Monthly Sundays, 1:00pm All welcome to join the Loving Kindness Crafters creating patient blankets, being made for homeless children. No experience necessary – simply cutting cloth edges and tying. January 26, March 23, April 27. On March 23 and April 27 – We hope to complete 2 more Polarfleece Tie Blankets (out of a total of 4 left). On May 18, the Crafters monthly project will shift to making felted beads for jewelry, using wool fiber, olive oil soap and water. Materials and instructions will be provided.
Questions? Kindly contact Rowena, ok to text 734-973-7266.Our next project – making felted beads. No session February 23.

OPEN MIC @ JEWEL HEART- Second Sunday monthly, 6:00pm. FREE – All welcome. Dates: March 9, April 13, May 11. Contact via [email protected]
SUNDAY SPRING BRUNCH, Sunday, April 13 – After the Sunday talk.
DHARMA DISC’ERS DISC GOLF, Sundays, Monthly, 2:00pm FREE – Dates: *April 27, May 18, June 8, July 13, August 17 *April 27 – Season Kick-Off Party. Lunch provided, then play. Location: Mary Beth Doyle Part, 3500 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor. New & experienced players welcome.
Meet in the parking lot adjacent to the swing set. Discs available to use if you do not have your own. Time of play is usually 1 – 3 hours depending on the number in the group, but feel free to leave when you need to. Questions – contact [email protected]
SANGHA GAME DAY, Sunday, February 2, 1:30pm, Everyone is invited to bring a favorite game or two, and/or take their chances with what others bring. Snacks will be provided.
ANN ARBOR SANGHA COUNCIL MEETINGS – First Tuesday monthly, 5:45pm. All welcome. All Sangha Meeting follows Sunday talk on March 16. Next Sangha Council monthly meeting dates – March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3.
Jewel Heart Ann Arbor local program questions – write [email protected] or call 734 994 3387.
Jewel Heart was founded in Ann Arbor in 1988. We were privileged to receive the late Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche’s teachings on a regular basis, and the privilege continues with Jewel Heart’s Spiritual Director, Demo Rinpoche. Jewel Heart also hosts many other preeminent teachers and scholars in Tibetan Buddhism.
Please check here for onsite cancellations during inclement weather.
Read More about the Ann Arbor Chapter…
In 2008, we were honored when His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama accepted Jewel Heart’s invitation to teach in Ann Arbor and inaugurated our spacious new location at 1129 Oak Valley Drive.
Throughout the year, we offer retreats, courses, guest speakers, workshops, and talks geared to help individuals bring peace, joy, and understanding into their lives and the lives of others. Jewel Heart offerings are based on the authentic and accessible teachings of Demo Rinpoche, Jewel Heart’s Resident Spiritual Advisor and the late Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche, founder of Jewel Heart.
When fully open for onsite participation, we hold film nights, a book group, a knitting group, tai chi classes, and community events, such as potlucks, a community garden, and fun-raisers. We are also involved in outreach activities, providing classes in mindfulness meditation to prisoners and living will workshops offered by Jewel Heart Health Center and Community Hospice.
The Jewel Heart Store, located at Jewel Heart Ann Arbor, sells books, transcripts, Tibetan rugs, and dharma objects. Jewel Heart Ann Arbor also has a main assembly hall, multiple rooms for courses, kitchen and dining facilities, and green space with a pond.
If you have questions about local programming, please email [email protected]or call 734 994 3387.

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