Am I Buddhist or Not? – Part 2 (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #228 January 12, 2025)

If you have a proper refuge taking practice, there is no doubt you are Buddhist. In society, whether they call or recognize you as Buddhist or not, that’s a social thing. But based on your spiritual practice, yes, you are. So therefore, the practice of taking refuge should be a perfect way to take refuge.

You can take refuge in the wrong way. Some people say, “I would like to take refuge.  I would be very lucky, because then I am following my father’s tradition.” Or, “I want to take refuge in the Three Jewels because I want to be a rich” or “I want to be healthy”, or “I want to get married with somebody. I want to fit in that society.” These are not perfect ways to take refuge in the Three Jewels. 

Many people ask me, “Do I have to take vows to be Buddhist?” In my head I think, “Why do you ask that question?” Because if they ask that question, they feel like: Do they have a refuge taking practice or not? It seems like the question is all about how people will  recognize you in society, how you feel about yourself in the conventional way. 

Deep down you feel like you are a Buddhist. But you are thinking, “Am I officially a Buddhist or not?” You have a little doubt about whether you are following the tradition or not. If you have some doubt, even though you have the practice of taking refuge and you believe individually in how that system works, and then still you feel like you are not fitting in, then if you really want to do become Buddhist in a formal way then yes, it is not a bad idea to take refuge vows. After that you can call yourself a Buddhist confidently. But other than that, I don’t think it is really necessary to have vows to be a Buddhist.

Am I Buddhist or Not? (Demo Rinpoche – Ancient Wisdom. Modern Times. #228 Part 2 – January 12, 2025)

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