Offering mandalas, a powerful practice of visualizing and offering pure universes, is an important method for building positive merit throughout many Buddhist traditions. Great practitioners such as Atisha and Tsongkhapa are renowned for the vast numbers of mandala offerings they made. In many traditions, accumulating 100,000 short mandala offerings is a prerequisite for tantric practice.

Demo Rinpoche will offer brief daily talks about the purpose, function and background of mandala offerings. Participants will receive hands-on instructions on how to make these offerings in simple and more elaborate forms, followed by group sessions for offering mandalas together. The schedule will also include time to individually focus on accumulating many short mandala offerings.
This retreat is open to all.

How to make a mandala set

Retreat Elements

  • Online and Onsite participation (depending on covid conditions)
  • Brief daily talks by Demo Rinpoche with various mandala offering instructions
  • Group guided practice sessions with Jewel Heart Instructors
  • Discussion included during guided instruction and practice sessions
  • Individual sessions to accumulate the Seven Heaps mandala offerings
  • If you have questions about this retreat, contact [email protected]

Tuesday – Friday, December 27 – 30, 2022
10:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time


About Demo Rinpoche

Fee: $65 / Give What You Can

Purchase Retreat

Saturday, December 31, 3:00 – 5:00pm Eastern Time
Click here to register.

Mandala Sets

Mandala offering sets are available to order from the Jewel Heart store through Ujjen Tsewang ([email protected]). Order early to allow time for shipping.

You can also opt to create a temporary cardboard mandala set for this retreat’s practice purposes.

2022 MANDALA OFFERING RETREAT TENTATIVE SCHEDULE – Schedule updates will be posted closer to the retreat
Tuesday, December 27 – Friday, December 30

Friday – Saturday, October 7 – 8

Mandala Offering RetreatTuesday, December 27Wednesday, 

December 28

Thursday, December 29Friday, December 30
10:00 – 11:00amDemo RinpocheDemo RinpocheDemo RinpocheDemo Rinpoche
11:30am – 12:30pmInstruction Session: Set & Materials; How to build temporary setInstruction Session: 37 Heap MandalaInstruction Session: 23 Heap MandalaInstruction Session: 7 Heap Mandala; Repeat 37 and 23 Heap Mandalas
12:30 – 1:30 pmLunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch break
1:30 – 2:30 pmInstructor / Practice Session: 7 Heaps; DiscussionInstructor / Practice Session: 37 Heaps; DiscussionInstructor / Practice Session: 23 Heaps; DiscussionInstructor / Practice Session: 37 Heaps; Discussion
2:30 – 3:15 pmIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap Mandala
3:15 – 3:30 pmBreakBreakBreakBreak
3:30 – 5:00pmIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap MandalaIndividual Session:  7 Heap Mandala

Note: While 100,000 of the 7 heap mandala offerings constitute a Mandala Offering Retreat, in this short retreat, any number is okay. This retreat’s purpose is to learn the practice and become familiar with it.

Materials For Download

Short mandala offering English.pdf
7 Heaps Mandala Offering Recitation.pdf
7 Heaps Mandala Offering Recitation B.pdf
23 Heap Mandala Explanation acc to Cittamani Tara.pdf
23 Heaps Mandala Offering Recitation.pdf
37 heap Mandala English Diagram print.pdf
37 Heaps Mandala Offering Recitation.pdf
Outer Mandala Offering Explanation acc. to Lama Chopa.pdf
Mandala-Offering-3 Dimensions FPMT.pdf
Mandala Offerings - 100 000.pdf
20070215T37 Heap MandalaTibtransliteration.pdf

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