Infinite Heart: Dissolving Barriers to a Radically Compassionate Life

During this 2004 retreat weekend at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, NY, Gelek Rimpoche shares how we can free ourselves from narrow, negative habits that limit our happiness and cause harm to ourselves and others.
With “nine bullets to defeat the ego” Gelek Rimpoche presents vivid examples to help us recognize the limitations of narrow self-interest and, in turn, to discover the infinite value of developing our innate capacity for love and compassion.
Sharing a radical little practice called tong len, Gelek Rimpoche also introduces the pivotal point that holds our compassion hostage, helping us to awaken to ever present opportunities for expanding our heart’s natural ability to always act from a place of fearless compassion.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 1
Lesson Number 1 of 24
Can I develop ultimate, unconditioned, unlimited love and compassion? Every tradition, whether it be the Judeo-Christian tradition, or the Hindu-Buddhist tradition, emphasises love and compassion. In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche introduces Bodhimind – love and compassion from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 2
Lesson Number 2 of 24
How can I develop compassion for all living beings? What is the source of my suffering? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche explains why we need to have compassion for ourselves, as well as others.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 3
Lesson Number 3 of 24
We all wish to be a compassionate person, but how do we go about becoming one? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche explains how knowing how to help ourselves can teach us how to help others. In this session, the Jewel Heart prayers are also explained. .

Infinite Heart: Lesson 4
Lesson Number 4 of 24
Buddha was just a person like us, with his own delusions. Buddha dealt with his mind, and that is how he became Buddha. In this ‘pep-talk’ lesson, Gelek Rinpoche gives us the motivation to benefit ourselves, and explains our capacity to benefit others.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 5
Lesson Number 5 of 24
If you don’t help yourself, who will? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche explains the urgent need to help ourselves before death. The six perfections are also touched upon.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 6
Lesson Number 6 of 24
What is death? What is reincarnation? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche explains the foundations that must be practiced before doing Lojong – mind training.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 7
Lesson Number 7 of 24
In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche discusses topics such as Karma and the Four Noble Truths. Pure love is also discussed.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 8
Lesson Number 8 of 24
How do we make sure that our positive deeds are truly positive? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche explains how to change our karma, and explains what ‘true spirituality’ is.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 9
Lesson Number 9 of 24
How do we go about practising what we have learned? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche explains the Thee Higher Trainings – learn, think, and meditate. Rinpoche also discusses how to be a wise person.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 10
Lesson Number 10 of 24
How do I enter the Mahayana path? Based on Je Tsongkhapa’s Middling Lamrim, Gelek Rinpoche teaches us how to enter the Mahayana path, and how to become a good person.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 11
Lesson Number 11 of 24
What is a Bodhisattva? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche answers this question, and explains how to develop Bodhimind. He teaches us how to recognize all beings as our closes friends. The seven stages of development are also introduced.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 12
Lesson Number 12 of 24
In this Question and Answer session, Gelek Rinpoche answers questions such as “How do we find the balance between selfishness and giving too much to others before we have helped ourselves enough?” and “Is there any room within the context of our practice for social work and political action, or should those areas not be related directly to our practice?”

Infinite Heart: Lesson 13
Lesson Number 13 of 24
What is the goal of a Mahayana practitioner? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche explains how the goal and method are different in the Mahayana path. He explains how compassion gives us the responsibility to liberate all living beings.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 14
Lesson Number 14 of 24
In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche teaches on the 7 stages of developing Bodhimind. Rinpoche explains what greater compassion is, and how it focuses on all living beings. He teaches us how to develop this compassion through meditation.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 15
Lesson Number 15 of 24
What is equanimity, and what do we equalize? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche teaches us about equanimity. He explains how to meditate on it, and how to integrate it into our daily practice.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 16
Lesson Number 16 of 24
In this lesson, using quotes from the Bodhisattvacaryavatara, Gelek Rinpoche introduces the method of exchanging self for others. He teaches us who to blame for our suffering.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 17
Lesson Number 17 of 24
We want to be free of suffering, how do we do this? In this lesson, Gelek Rinpoche explains the practice of Tonglen – giving and taking.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 18
Lesson Number 18 of 24
Life is full of difficulties and obstacles. How can we overcome these? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche explains how to turn our suffering and difficulties into meditation.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 19
Lesson Number 19 of 24
When do I know when I have trained my mind? In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche explains how to know when we have developed Lojong,, and touches upon the ‘Five Powers’ of living and dying.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 20
Lesson Number 20 of 24
In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche gives a beautiful guided meditation on verses 55 through 59 of the Lama Chopa.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 21
Lesson Number 21 of 24
In this question and answer session, Gelek Rinpoche answers questions such as ‘How does a person’s ego travel from one life to the next?’ ‘How does dedication of merit work for non-Buddhists?’ ‘What is the difference between destructive anger and useful wrath?’

Infinite Heart: Lesson 22
Lesson Number 22 of 24
In this question and answer session Gelek Rinpoche answers questions like ‘What is Vajrayana?’ and ‘What is initiation?’

Infinite Heart: Lesson 23
Lesson Number 23 of 24
In this lesson Gelek Rinpoche reviews the weekends teachings on Mind Training. Topics such as ‘idiot compassion’ and the Six Paramitas are also discussed.

Infinite Heart: Lesson 24
Lesson Number 24 of 24
This lesson includes a review of the meditations on the five resolutions. Rinpoche also explains the visualisations for the profound give and take, ‘Tonglen’ verse from the Lama Chöpa. Rinpoche also explains how to integrate these teachings into our daily lives.