This holiday Ganden Lha Gyema Mantra Retreat will include video teachings by Gelek Rimpoche, guided meditations and discussions facilitated by Jewel Heart instructors, and personal migtsema mantra meditation time. This retreat is online only.
This retreat is open to all.
The retreat schedule allows for approximately 15 hours for mantra recitation and the possibility to complete 10,000 migtsemas on the same seat.
For those interested in completing a 100,000 Ganden Lha Gyema migtsema retreat, the 10,000 mantras would set the base to continue toward the 100,000 mantra goal.
Completion of 100,000 mantra is one of the requirements for a Vajrayana initiation.
If you have questions about this retreat or are considering the 100,000 mantra retreat, you are welcome to contact [email protected].
Sunday – Thursday, December 26 – 30, 2021
10:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time
Fee: $80 / Give What You Can