Vajrayana, translated as the diamond vehicle, refers to Buddha’s esoteric path to enlightenment. Vajrayana’s powerful methods and techniques help to deepen practitioners’ foundational integration of compassion and wisdom, while also accelerating their enlightenment timeline to be able to perfectly help all beings.
Glenn Mullin will introduce the important role Vajrayana plays in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
DATE Tuesday, July 21
Fee: $15
Your contribution helps support Jewel Heart preserve and present authentic Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
From the Heart of Chenrezig: The Dalai Lamas on Tantra, translated, edited and introduced by Glenn H. Mullin
SUPPORTIVE SUGGESTIONS – COURSE AND DIGITAL DHARMA – Click to purchase and/or to subscribe
Introduction to Vajrayana – Demo Rinpoche – Jewel Heart Course
Introduction to Vajrayana – Gelek Rimpoche – Audio Digital Dharma
Why Vajrayana – Gelek Rimpoche – Video Digital Dharma
Glenn Mullin 2018 Midwest Tour
What is Vajryana? – 3 sessions.
Entering Vajrayana Practice – 3 sessions.
Tantra: History, Myth and Mystery – 1 session
GLENN MULLIN has been a long time friend of Gelek Rimpoche and Jewel Heart, having met and studied with Gelek Rimpoche from the mid 70’s in India. He is a Tibetologist, Buddhist writer, translator of classical Tibetan literature, and teacher of Tantric Buddhist meditation. He studied philosophy, literature, meditation, yoga, and the enlightenment culture under thirty-five of the greatest living masters of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Glenn is the author of over 20 books on Tibetan Buddhism, founded and directed the Mystical Arts of Tibet, and has curated a number of important Tibetan art exhibitions. He divides his time between writing, teaching, meditating, and leading tour groups to the power places of Nepal and Tibet.