The disturbance in your peace comes from obsession and hatred. It is very easy to explore and use. We witnessed that the last couple of decades. We spent our time entertaining and building and encouraging our hatred. That really destroys harmony and peace among us and within ourselves.
In short, if we are not building peace in ourselves, it will be very difficult to have peace outside. Many of us have the goal to achieve peace and harmony in the world. I am afraid peace and harmony has to begin within ourselves. The good old American saying is true: Charity begins at home. Peace and harmony likewise begin within ourselves. If we are not at peace it will be very difficult to talk about peace and try to bring peace. Somehow I never believed that the big nations or United Nations can bring peace. Yes, they try, for sure. They are meant for that. But can they really do it? No, it is the individual mind that makes the difference. One person builds peace in their own mind, then two persons, then three, four and so forth. Then you go beyond that.
That is how peace and harmony has to be established in the world. That’s my opinion and my experience. Look at our own religions, whether Hindu-Buddhist tradition or Judeo-Christian tradition or Muslim tradition or whatever. That’s supposed to be the solution for peace and harmony. They are supposed to be the givers of joy and sources of happiness, the path to liberation, but we have fought so many wars on the basis of religion for hundreds of years. So it is not any organization can do it, it is the individual, one by one. So I am responsible for myself and you are responsible for yourself. Your peace has to be created by you and my peace has to be created by me. We can help each other and contribute to each other and we want to make sure that we do. We also want to make sure that we don’t add disharmony.
~ Gelek Rimpoche, Jewel Heart New York, April 7, 2013